Fall 2024
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
September 4 at 3:00 PM | Arya Gayathri Memana | A C* Algebra Approach to Szegő's Theorem |
September 18 at 3:00 PM | Tuyen Pham | Faster Computations for Representatives of Persistent Homology |
October 2 at 3:00 PM | Julian Michele | Extensions of local fields given by Eisenstein polynomials with a small number of terms |
October 23 at 3:00 PM | Darren Schmidt | Ekedahl-Oort Types in Z_p Towers of Curves |
October 30 at 3:00 PM | Michael Coopman | Major Index Distribution |
November 20 at 3:00 PM | Ekansh Jauhari | Topological Complexity of Intertwining Motion |
Spring 2024
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
January 31 at 4:05 pm | Ekansh Jauhari | Topology and Robotics - a new approach to motion planning |
February 7 at 4:05 pm | Chirantha Tharusha Bandara | Mathematical Model on HIV and Nutrition |
February 21 at 4:05 pm | The GMA Board | Information Session |
March 6 at 4:05 pm | Aaron Kolby Thrasher | Price Inequalities and an Analog of Almgren’s Frequency Function |
March 27 at 4:05 pm | Rhea Shroff | Accelerating the Computation of Tensor Z-Eigenvalues |
April 10 at 4:05 pm | Lezhi Liu | A Learned Proximal Alternating Minimization Algorithm and Its Induced Network for a Class of Two-block Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Optimization |
Fall 2023
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
September 6 at 4:05 pm | Himanshu Yadav | Topological Data Analysis with Point Cloud and Affine Subspaces |
September 20 at 4:05 pm | Adam Gregory | Utility of combinatorial formulas for special polynomials |
October 11 at 4:05 pm | Connor Morrow | Congruences mod powers of 5 for Andrews's even parts below odd parts partition function |
November 1 at 4:05 pm | Matt Dallas | Singular Newton-Anderson and Bifurcation Phenomena |
November 15 at 4:05 pm | Dario Teran Acaro | The adic unit disk. An introduction to Adic Spaces |
November 29 at 4:05 pm | Hayden Hunter | On Higher Dimensional Milnor Frames |
Spring 2023
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
February 1st at 4:05 pm | Dario Teran Acaro | The Berkovich Closed Disk |
February 15 at 4:05 pm | Palak Arora | Optimal Approximation Problems for Commutative and Noncommutative Polynomials |
March 1 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Hubert Wagner | Is topology useful in solving real-world problems? |
March 22 at 4:05 pm | Luke Morris | Abstraction and Composition in Modeling and Simulation |
April 19 at 4:05 pm | Aritram Dhar | q-series: Computations and Applications |
Fall 2022
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
August 31 at 4:05 pm | Andres Zuniga | Convexity in Riemannian Geometry |
September 14 at 4:05pm | David Burrell, Phoebe Ferguson, George Roman, Caleb Davis, and Zachariah Thomas | TA Panel |
October 5 at 4:05 pm | Recep Celebi | A Brief Tour of Local Class Field Theory |
October 26 at 4:05 pm | Aritram Dhar | Proofs of Two Formulas of Vladeta Jovovic |
November 30 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Tracy Stepien | Traveling Waves in a Model of Cell Migration With a Moving Boundary |
Spring 2022
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
February 16 at 4:05 pm | David Burrell | Construction of Finite Groups |
March 23 at 4:05pm | Yuxin Zhou | Distinguish chromatic numbers for isosceles triangles in choiceless set theorem |
April 20 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Jonathan Bush | Vietoris—Rips complexes and the Gromov—Hausdorff distance |
Fall 2021
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
September 1 at 4:05 pm | John Streese | Introduction to Partitions, Rank and Crank, and relationships to quasi-modular forms |
September 15 at 4:05pm | Paul Schwartz | How Fermat's Last Theorem rocked the mathematical world |
September 29 at 4:05 pm | Josh Arroyo | Constructing Odd Ordered Magic and Diabolic Hypercubes |
October 13 at 4:05 pm | Chunmei Wang | Efficient Numerical Methods for Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations |
October 27 at 4:05 pm | Hayden Hunter | Curvature of Finite Dimensional Manifolds |
November 11 at 4:05 pm | Lauren Wickman | On the Metrizability of the Universal Minimal Flow of Certain Automorphism Groups |
December 8 at 4:05 pm | William Sims | Graph Flattenability |
Fall 2019
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
August 28 at 4:05 pm | Matthew Dallas | Fractional Calculus: Motivation and Fundamentals |
September 11 at 4:05pm | Zachary Hamaker: Zachary is a newly Assistant Professor. | Jobs Panel |
September 25 at 4:05 pm | Philip Boyland | Topology, Tangling and Fluid Mixing |
October 9 at 4:05 pm | Alexander Dranishnikov | Topology and Robot Motion Planning |
October 23 at 4:05 pm | Tracy Stepien | Cell migration in development, wound healing, and cancer: Modeling, simulation and analysis |
November 6 at 4:05 pm | Jesse Thorner | Heuristics in Number TheoryHeuristics in Number Theory |
November 20 at 4:05 pm | Zachary Hamaker |
Spring 2019
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
January 16 at 4:05 pm | John Hester | Refutational Completeness of Paramodulation |
January 30 at 4:05 pm | Colin Defant | Structure in Stack-Sorting |
February 27 at 4:05 pm | Scott McCullough | Setting Analysis Free |
March 13 at 4:05 pm | John Oprea | Geometry, Soap Films and Biology |
March 27 at 4:05 pm | Paul Robinson | Higher Trigonometry |
April 10 at 4:05 pm | Alexandre Turull | Finite Groups and their Representations as Groups of Matrices |
Fall 2018
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
August 29 at 4:05 pm | Alexander Elchesen | The Grothendieck Group of a Commutative Monoid |
September 12 at 4:05 pm | Summer Atkins | Fellowships and Internships |
September 26 at 4:05 pm | Luca Fabrizio Di Cerbo: Luca is an Assistant Professor, and has also applied to jobs in the financial industry. | |
October 10 at 4:05 pm | Dalton Worsnup | Homotopy Type Theory |
October 24 at 4:05 pm | Parker Edwards | Fantastic real semialgebraic sets and where to find them |
November 7 at 4:05 pm | Andrew Kriehn | A Cook's Tour of Hyperbolic Geometry |
November 28 at 4:05 pm | Darby J. Smith | Intracelluar Transport: Rigor Motors and Bayesian Inference |
Spring 2018
Date and Time | Speaker | Title / Abstract |
January 17 at 4:05 pm | Colin Defant | How to Guard a highly symmetric Mall |
January 29 at 4:05 pm | Keith Copenhaver | How Normal is Your Family Tree? |
February 14 at 4:05 pm | Jason Johnson | The Ghost of Bach |
February 28 at 4:05 pm | Jobs Panel | Featuring Leo Betthauser, Peter Bubenik, Michael Catanzaro, Jeramiah Hocutt, and Jindrich Zapletal |
March 14 at 4:05 pm | Jamie Scott | An Introduction to Inverse Semigroups |
March 28 at 4:05 pm | Paul Schwartz | A look At Continua Arising In Generalized Inverse Limits |
April 11 at 4:05 pm | Anthony Van Duzer | Machine Sortable Permutation |
Fall 2017
Date and Time | SpeakerSpeaker | Title / Abstract |
August 30 at 4:05 pm | Michael Engen | On the dimension of composition posets |
September 27 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Paul Robinson | Divergent Series |
October 11 at 4:05 pm | Nikola Milicevic | A General Introduction to TDA |
October 25 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Michael Hull | Dehn's solution to the word problem in surface groups |
November 8 at 4:05 pm | Celeste Vallejo | All models are wrong but some are useful |
November 29 at 4:05 pm | Andrew Latham | A characterization of subnormal subgroups |
Spring 2017
Date and Time | Speaker | Abstract |
January 11 at 4:05 pm | Douglas Pfeffer | 17th and 18th Century Calculus — A Series Approach |
January 25 at 4:05 pm | Jason Johnson | A Combinatorial Proof of Fine's Theorem on Partitions |
February 8 at 4:05 pm | Joshua Hiller | What do you mean "the" multistage model of carcinogenesis? |
February 15 at 4:05 pm | Career Panel | Featuring Dr. Cenzer, Dr. Knudson, Dr. Alladi, Dr. Bubenik, Evan Milliken, and Ali Uncu |
February 22 at 4:05 pm | Todd Molnar | The Local Distribution of the Number of Small Prime Factors |
March 15 at 4:05 pm | John Hester | Metaphysics in Mathematics |
March 29 at 4:05 pm | TBA | TBA |
April 12 at 4:05 pm | TBA | TBA |
Fall 2016
Date and Time | Speaker | Abstract |
August 31 at 4:05 pm | Francis Adams | Set Theory and Small Sets of Reals |
September 14 at 4:05 pm | Jeremiah Hocutt | Beyond Cesàro Continuity or: Who ever said differentiable functions were continuous? |
September 28 at 4:05 pm | Keith Copenhaver | Counting With Unknowns: Generating Functions |
October 12 at 4:05 pm | Endrit Fejzullahu | The Probabilistic Method in Combinatorics |
October 26 at 4:05 pm | Darby Smith | Molecular Motors: Stochastic Equations of Motion |
November 16 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Richard Crew | p-adic numbers and p-adic differential equations |
December 7 at 4:05 pm | Dr. Miklós Bóna | Permutations and Genome Sorting |
Spring 2016
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
January 20, 4:05pm | Dr. Murali Rao | Probability |
February 3, 4:05pm | Mr. Ali Uncu | Some Weighted Partition Identities |
February 17, 4:05pm | Dilation Theory and Completely Positive Maps | |
March 16, 4:05pm | Mr. Reuben Bernstein-Goff | Big Data: Obstacles, Tools, and Open Problems |
March 30, 4:05pm | Dr. Sergei Shabanov | The Formalism of Siegert States in Resonant Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves |
April 13, 4:05pm | Dr. Mike Jury |
Fall 2015
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
September 9 4:05pm | Doug Pfeffer | A look at the changes to analytic rigor in the 18th and 19th centuries. |
September 23 4:05pm | Dr. Peter Bubenik | Topological Data Analysis |
October 7 4:05pm | Raymond Schaub | The Leontief Input-Output Model |
October 21 4:05pm | Dr. Jonathan King | How to Think about things bigger than your Brain? or (The Firing-Squad Problem and related Conundra) |
November 4 4:05pm | Evan Milliken | R0 and other applications of linear algebra to mathematical epidemiology |
November 18 4:05pm | Kiara Hall | Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics |
December 2 4:05pm | Celeste Vallejo | Little's Law Applied to a Stochastic Model of Poliomyelitis |
Spring 2014
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
January 21 4:05pm | Dr. Jindrich Zapletal | A course in descriptive set theory, Fall 2015 |
February 4 4:05pm | Larie Ward | Operators Grow on Trees |
February 18 4:05pm | Todd Molnar | The Anatomy of the Integers via Large Prime Factors with an Application to Numerical Factorization |
March 11 4:05pm | Dr. Paul Robinson | The Pendulum Swings |
March 25 4:05pm | Dr. Christopher Porter | Coin Tossing, Randomness Extraction, and Algorithmic Randomness |
April 8 4:05pm | Christopher Cyr | Permutable p-groups Are Hard to Find (in Sn) |
Fall 2014
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
September 3 4:05pm | Dr. Jed Keesling | Dr. Jed Keesling |
September 17 4:05pm | Ben Russo | My Love/Hate Relationship with the Cantor Set |
October 1 4:05pm | Dr. Scott McKinley | Fluctuating hydrodynamics of microparticles in biological fluids: modeling, simulation and analysis |
October 15 4:05pm | Joshua Hiller | Constructive Lower Bounds in Hypergraph Ramsey Theory |
October 29 4:05pm | Daniel Gray | Superpatterns Containing Special Subsets of Permutations |
November 12 4:05pm | Dr. Lei Zhang | Some examples of Partial Differential Equations that indicate interplay with other fields |
December 3 4:05pm | Ashwini Amarasinghe | Topological Dimension |
Spring 2013
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
January 22 4:05pm | Cheyne Homberger | Patterns Within Random Permutations: Some Open (and Recently Closed) Questions |
February 5 4:05pm | Joel Rosenfeld | An Introduction to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and a Few Applications |
February 19 4:05pm | Kevin Knudson | Algorithms in discrete Morse theory |
March 12 4:05pm | Krishnaswami Alladi | Paul Erdos - One of the Most Influential Mathematicians of Our Times |
March 26 4:05pm | Tim Olson | The Singular Value Decomposition and the Real World |
April 9 4:05pm | Josh Hurwitz | A Simulation Platform to Quantify Emergency Department Patient Flow |
Fall 2013
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
August 28 4:05pm | Jay Pantone | Checker Jumping, Coin Counting, and Cap Throwing: Why Generating Functions are Magic |
September 11 4:05pm | Scott McCullough | Setting Semialgebraic Geometry and Convex Analysis Free |
September 25 4:05pm | Jindrich Zapletal | Infinite Games in Mathematics |
October 9 4:05pm | Richard Crew | |
October 23 4:05pm | Evan Milliken | The Real Dynamics of Bieberbach's Example |
November 6 4:05pm | Becky Borchering | Assessing Seasonal Drivers of Rabies Dynamics in Three North American Carnivore Species |
November 20 4:05pm | Ali Uncu | Generating functions for Partitions, Generalizations and Further Results. |
Spring 2012
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
January 16 4:05pm | Nick Sharpe | A Family of K-automorphisms in Ergodic Theory |
January 30 4:05pm | Lee Raney | Group Representations and Characters |
February 13 4:05pm | Francis Adams | Nonstandard Analysis: Calculus with Infinitesimals |
February 27 4:05pm | Alexander Dranishnikov | The Category and the Topological Complexity |
March 13 4:05pm | Jill Stupiansky | Mathematical Modeling of Citrus Greening Disease |
March 27 4:05pm | Vince Vatter | Geometric Grid Classes of Permutations |
April 10 4:05pm | Sergei Shabanov | The Resonant Wave Scattering Theory and Applications |
Fall 2012
Date and Time | Speaker | Title |
August 29 4:05pm | N/A | Meet and greet |
September 12 4:05pm | Peter Sin | The Golod-Shafarevich Theorem |
September 26 4:05pm | Paul Robinson | Additive Functions |
October 17 4:05pm | Sebastian Wyman | Introduction to Computability, Computable Analysis, and Effective Symbolic Dynamics |
October 24 4:05pm | Graham Picklesimer | Finitely Additive Measures and the Theory of Games |
November 14 4:05pm | Jonathan King | Situations Where You Didn't Think You Needed Ergodic Theory |
November 28 4:05pm | Sergei Pilyugin |